Friday 9 August 2019

DFI#8 Cybersmart and Devices

Today began with considering 'Cybersmart' and what that means for us as educators and the implications for our learners. At the heart of this is "empowering our learners as connected and confident decision makers".  Our kids are constantly facing challenges as they learn in an online environment and have to be equipped for the perils that they can potentially face.  When kids have ubiquitous access it is essential that just as we assess risk and any special circumstances that might need managing when preparing for  an EOTC experience, this needs to be approached with the same degree of forethought and preparation - "taking our kids online is one of the riskiest EOTC experiences that can be undertaken and the Cybersmart serves to ensure that they are well equipped for this experience".
Being proactive...
Cybersmart learning needs to have a schoolwide focus and should have an intentional introduction to each aspect of the Cybersmart Curriculum. If we are successful with the integration of this our learners will have a common learning language and a true understanding of the power and privilege of connectivity and online sharing.

We need to make sure that our learners truly understand that everything they do is visible online  and that they constantly consider what their digital footprint communicates about themselves.

Central to the Manaiakalani Development of 1:1 were the principles of the Treaty Of Waitangi ...Participation, Protection and Partnership and these resonate throughout the Cybersmart Learning.
The following Screencastify explores some of the content that sits within the Cybersmart Site.

Another great day of learning and challenges...

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