Friday 16 September 2022

RPI - Day 3 Text Selection

Today was a good to keep thinking about the affordances of technology and how we can leverage these to provide better experiences for our ākonga. There’s a tension or challenge there around keeping up with/ahead of the game.

Some brief reflections ...

It’s good to be thinking through systematically the teaching progression/logic and being mindful of the need to keep connecting to writing.

How do we continue to grow capacity throughout the school around critical thinking …not waiting until our kids are in the Senior school?

I liked the template for considering text types being used across a time period  …I wonder how conscious we are in reflecting on this?

I also came away thinking about how redundant our Library has become in terms of it's core purpose. It is a hugely under-utilised resource How can we make better use of this space and encourage people to use it properly again??