Sunday 17 March 2019

'Don't throw the baby with the bathwater' ...Day 2@DFI

During todays DFI we focussed on  LEARN.

Putting it bluntly - "If you can be replaced by Digital Technologies then you should be!" Best practise or effective pedagogy are  still fundamental and indeed critical to improve student outcomes.
Effective teaching coupled with Digital Affordances will lead to accelerated outcomes for our learners.

In order for the learn to be effective  the following 3 things need to be in place.
Firstly we need to Recognise - what effective teaching practise looks like.
Then Amplify - to make a difference really great teachers use technology effectively and capitalise on the affordances. Looking to work above the line on the SAMR Model is ideal.
And if we are truly using the affordances of the technologies available we can Turbocharge - enhancing the classroom experience to connect our learners.

Rewindable learning gives us the opportunity to be Ubiquitous - "if it's worth teaching it's worth capturing." So it was great to look at ways to make learning rewindable today.

I was reintroduced to Google Hangouts and thought this could be a handy way of collaborating with my fellow students on our various share assignment tasks this year. Along with this we played around with using Quicktime for screen recording and my first go at creating a tutorial is a little lacking, but a great reminder about making learning rewindable.

We explored the various settings within Gmail, so I have been brave and changed my Inbox set up to see if that has an impact on my workflow.

Some great handy hints to use Google Keep and I was very happy to learn that you could convert an image to text. So am wondering if I am neat enough in my note taking whether I could use this functionality.

Another great day of revisiting the known and delving into the unknown.

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